Motion Clothing

BUNZABURO shibori silk scarf - Burgundy and mauve

Bunzaburo is a third generation shibori workshop in Kyoto, Japan. Each piece by them is a demonstration of meticulous craft and a unique work of art. 

The technique used in this scarf is called Bai, a type of seashell resembling these twisted, pleated points. Each point is twisted by hand.

100% silk.

- Because of the nature of the dyeing and pleating process, this piece may experience colour fading or flattening if exposed to moisture. 

- To clean your scarf and keep your pleats: petroleum-based dry-clean only. Do not wash in water. Do not iron. Gentle steam, if needed. Store flat or enclosed  in a mesh bag (included with scarf).

Handmade in Japan.

Regular price
CAD 395.00
Sale price
CAD 395.00
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